Toddler Growth Chart

There are toddler growth chart from WHO Growth Charts for U.S.

Charts consist of a series of percentile data, you can find your child’s growth percentile based on age and height.

You can estimate of your baby stands compared to other children by these charts. Determine whether your baby’s length, weight, and head circumference growth healthy.

Chart for Boys Length-for-age 0 to 24 months

Chart for Boys Weight-for-age 0 to 24 months

Chart for Boys Craneal Circumference-for-age 0 to 24 months

Chart for Girls Length-for-age 0 to 24 months

Chart for Girls Weight-for-age 0 to 24 months

Chart for Girls Craneal Circumference-for-age 0 to 24 months

Chart for Boys Length-for-age 2 to 20 years

Chart for Boys Weight-for-age 2 to 20 years

Chart for Girls Length-for-age 2 to 20 years

Chart for Girls Weight-for-age 2 to 20 years